2018年6月29日 星期五

坐在車裡 外面下著雨

Over The Rainbow

 A New Journey

Celtic Woman 



UNDER THE UNMINDING SKY是他的一組油畫作品,畫的內容是在車內看到的下雨場景。擋風玻璃上的雨水,模糊了視線,看到朦朧又真實的世界。


2016 oil on linen 40 x 30 inches


2016 oil on linen 34 x 52 inches


2016 oil on linen 34 x 48 inches


2016 oil on linen 34 x 50 inches


2015 oil on linen 34 x 48 inches

“Indefinite struggle”

2014 oil on canvas 36 x 48 inches


2014 oil on linen 33 x 48 inches

“Until now”

2010 oil on linen 36 x 48 inches


2010 oil on linen 36 x 48 inches

“Coming to a complete stop”

2008 oil on canvas 36 x 48 inches


2008 oil on canvas 48 x 68 inches

“Above and below”

2008 oil on panel 24 x 24 inches

“Reasonable doubt”

2008 oil on panel 24 x 24 inches

“Through the looking glass”

2008 oil on panel 11 x 14 inches


2008 oil on panel 11 x 14 inches


2008 oil on panel 11 x 14 inches

“Under mountain road”

2007 oil on canvas 36 x 48 inches

“Low road”

2006 oil on canvas 36 x 48 inches


2007 oil on canvas 30 x 40 inches

“McGrath Highway”

2006 oil on canvas 36 x 48 inches

“Route 7”

2006 oil on canvas 36 x 48 inches


2008 oil on panel 11 x 14 inches

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